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What does AVG offer to its members?

1. We represent the interests of publishers of greeting cards in Germany.

Our main objective is to strengthen and promote the German greeting card market.

2. we are:

  • contact partner for other associations, organizations, interested parties, media, designers, students, and other interested persons

  • competent advisor for our members and founders

3. we support:

  • the exchange of ideas between our members, suppliers, exhibition companies
    and other interested groups, persons or companies
  • market information, market research, and market analysis
  • advertisement and other measures to promote the greeting card

4. our activities:

  • improvement of market knowledge
  • forecasts
  • GfK study on the greeting card market
  • meetings of members twice a year
  • invitation of competent experts to the meetings
  • visit of cooperating companies
  • ideas with respect to greetings
  • support of the „initiative for writing“
  • annual design competition for young designers and designer students

Only jointly we can achieve more and bundle our interests. The greeting card market depends on the suppliers‘ variety, the individual publishing houses‘ ideas, and the consideration of countries beyond the border - particularly Great Britain and the United States of America.

Who can become a member? >>>

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